The difference between electronic and electromagnetic types in RCBO


Residual current operated circuit breakers (RCBO) are an important component in ensuring the safety of electrical systems. According to the classification of trippers, RCBO can be divided into electromagnetic type and electronic type, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. Understanding the differences between these two types is critical to selecting the correct RCBO for a specific application.

The working principle of the electromagnetic RCBO is to use the signal detected by the transformer to directly drive the high-sensitivity release type residual current action release, thereby causing the RCBO to operate. One of the key advantages of the electromagnetic type is that it does not require auxiliary power, is not affected by the power supply voltage, and has high reliability. In addition, the electromagnetic type is highly resistant to interference, ensuring stable performance even in challenging electrical environments. However, this type of residual current tripper has a complex structure and requires high processing and manufacturing precision, making it difficult to produce high-sensitivity, large-capacity products.

On the other hand, electronic RCBO operates the RCBO by amplifying the signal detected by the transformer through an amplifier circuit, triggering the thyristor or conducting transistor switching circuit. Compared with the electromagnetic type, the electronic type has high sensitivity, simple manufacturing technology, and can produce large-volume products. However, one of the disadvantages of the electronic type is that it requires auxiliary power, which may be a consideration in some applications. In addition, electronic types have lower immunity to interference compared to electromagnetic types and need to be carefully considered in environments with potential electrical interference.

In short, the choice between electromagnetic and electronic RCBO depends on the specific requirements of the electrical system. The electromagnetic type has strong reliability and anti-interference ability, while the electronic type has high sensitivity and simpler manufacturing. Understanding these differences is critical to selecting the most appropriate RCBO to ensure the safety of your electrical system.

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Post time: Jan-23-2024