Mutai Electric Enterprise Strategy SWOT Analysis Seminar Was Successfully Held

On November 01, 2022, the company held the 2strategy SWOT analysis seminar in the conference room.
The so-called SWOT analysis, that is, the analysis of the situation based on the internal and external competitive environment and conditions, is to enumerate the various main internal advantages, disadvantages and external opportunities and threats closely related to the research object through investigation, and according to the matrix form Arrangement, and then use the idea of ​​systematic analysis to match various factors for analysis, and draw a series of corresponding conclusions from them, and the conclusions usually have a certain degree of decision-making. S (strengths) is an advantage, W (weaknesses) is a disadvantage, O (opportunities) is an opportunity, and T (threats) is a threat.


The meeting held action learning meetings in the form of each business department as a group, conducted group discussions with the SWOT analysis method, and analyzed the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats of internal and external environmental factors to the company’s main business competition. In the following concentrated discussion, all employees of the company gathered the wisdom of all employees to discuss the company’s future development plan in depth. The heads of each business department reported the results of the discussion, made a summary, and proposed corresponding measures and paths.
At the meeting, Chairman Yu Yongli pointed out that it is necessary to base on the development strategy of Mutai Group, focus on the company’s main business (circuit breaker), and stimulate the passion of all employees to work and start a business. The participants brainstormed with the mentality of the “owner” of the company,


Discuss the company’s medium and long-term development strategy together, and work together to build the company’s development strategy.

In the end, Mr. Yu said that the effect of this strategic seminar was very good. In the future, the brainstorming action learning meeting will be normalized. Mutai Group Co., Ltd. is a young team, and everyone must show the spirit of being an entrepreneur. Self-improvement and continuous in-depth learning.


Post time: Feb-09-2023